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Baby Bristlenose dieing


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Hi all

Had my first bristlenose spawn about 6 weeks ago followed by another one 3 weeks later.

Breeding setup is in a standard 2ft tank with a small canister filter and two sponge filters. Tank has been cycled for a few months. Water changes twice weekly.

Young bristlenose were going well on a diet of zuchini, pumkin and algae wafers.

About a week ago I started having problems with a dodgy heater and temp dropped to 21-22 from 25.

Noticed a few days later that alot of fry were attached to glass near top of tank and were not eating as actively as before. Alot of uneaten food on bottom of tank.

Next I started finding the smallest babies dead on bottom of tank. Thought this was due to low temp so I put a new heater in a bought temp back upto 25.

Smallest bristles kept dieing, then larger bristles from first spawn started dieing.

Checked water parameters today & noticed Ammonia 1mg & Nitrite 0.25 pH 7.4.

I think deaths were due to unstable water conditions but any feedback would be appreciated.

Thank's Dave

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I noticed with my BN when they went to the top of the tank they wanted more air. It might be due to the temp drop. That seems to be the case. Have you used any medications on the tank as i heard BN dont like medications.




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Maybe the temperature drop wiped out some of your filter bacteria which then in turn caused a spike ammonia and nitrite spike, which in turn killed the baby BN


Bad luck.

I have my BN in a 2ft tank, double barrel sponge filter and an air stone that sits in the tank, two of the world famous breeding caves and some BN

I cant stop them breeding... I even gave 2 trios to my gf and now the sundominant fish are breeding like rabbits. I have only lost one or two fry in heaps of batches. I think they like well filtered, high oygen water. So maybe keep the oxygen up, the temp around 25 degs and cut down on the food for the meanwhile.


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Thank's for the comments.

I woke up this morning to find 5 more dead bristles, 1 of them being a newly acquired peppermint of about 5cm sad.gif .

Have since moved 4 other peppermints to 140 ltr plant tank.

I did a 30% water change yesterday, not sure what else to do.

I am working today but will put an air stone in when I get home and check all water parameters.

Here's hoping

Cheer's Dave sad.gif

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I don't know how many fish you have in that tank, but a 2 footer is just a bit small to raise a batch of bristle nose.

Fish hanging near the surface points to low oxygen.....But bristles are capable of using atmospheric oxygen the same as cories if the DOR is too low.

I would be looking to why the oxygen level is low !!! How do you clean your filters ????

Filters that are too clean or sterile do a good mechanical job, but a lousey biological job.

This could well be a technical problen rather than cat fish specific.


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At time of problem occuring I had approx 50-60 bristles at 1-2cm, 3 adults at 8-10cm & 10 peppermints at 5cm.

I clean the sponges & canister in used aquarium water every 1-2 weeks depending on how dirty they are.

I feel I may have polluted water by putting too much food in at once (have read alot of info on babies dieing from under feeding) plus too many fish for the filtration.

Have since moved all but breeders & water quality is improving.

I lost 1 more peppermint yesterday after placing in new 140ltr plant tank and another 1 overnight. Not sure why these died unless it was transition shock or delayed death. This tank has been running for years & has a few neons, raspora etc living happily in there.

Other 7 peppermints appear a bit sluggish with some hanging near surface.I would hate to lose any more I really love these guys.

Thank,s Dave

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You tank seems like it was a bit too crowded.

I have found that when baby bristlenose and peppermints hang near the surface it is due to poor water quality, usually ammonia or nitrite.

I have also observed some babies in a home-made tank that were doing this and was due to the use of non aquarium safe silicone.

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At time of problem occuring I had approx 50-60 bristles at 1-2cm, 3 adults at 8-10cm & 10 peppermints at 5cm.

Woah, thats waaay too many fish for a 2ftr.

I would suggest moving everything except the babies out of that tank. Even then, 50ish babies is pushing it but your filtration should keep up if if is working to is capacity. Keep plenty of air going into the tank via an airstone or even a venturi / spraybar on your cannister outlet. A venturi is good because you can direct a jet of oxygenated water onto the glass where the bubs will sit in the flow.

good luck.


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Sorry to hear about your losses I agree with mike probably an ammonia spike

I have my BN in a 2ft tank, double barrel sponge filter and an air stone that sits in the tank, two of the world famous breeding caves and some BN

I have an idential setup which I set up 3 months ago. I currently have 200-300+ fry ranging from eggs to 2-3cm. That tank is so productive I am tempted to setup another one. But then again I have 2 other colonies producing a similar number of fry so maybe not.

But I this week I will probably remove 30-40 of the bigger ones into other tanks to grow up faster and move on. Otherwise I will have a similar problem to what alan described.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I to Have had this bad luck, 2 weeks ago I was lucky to have my first ever B/Ns breed for me. Then within 2 weeks all dead, the tank went from looking great to the B/Ns parents getting whitespot( may be all the rotting dead babies).

So know I hope the parents get over the whitespot ASAP and try again.

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