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Plants suitable for a pond

the cichlid kid

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I have a spa that i have turned into an above-ground pond, I plan to put substrate in but haven't found a cheap enough option yet. It holds about 450 Litres and is mostly undercover but still receives a decent amount of sunlight. I was wondering if anyone could help me out and give me an idea of what plants will thrive with little or preferably no maitenance at all.

I was thinking about lily pads for a bit of surface cover and some thin vallisineria (spelling). Not sure if this matters but the pond will contain driftwood and is currently being filtered by a standard internal powerhead style filter and it does about 1000 L/h.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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I have a spa that i have turned into an above-ground pond, I plan to put substrate in but haven't found a cheap enough option yet. It holds about 450 Litres and is mostly undercover but still receives a decent amount of sunlight. I was wondering if anyone could help me out and give me an idea of what plants will thrive with little or preferably no maitenance at all.

I was thinking about lily pads for a bit of surface cover and some thin vallisineria (spelling). Not sure if this matters but the pond will contain driftwood and is currently being filtered by a standard internal powerhead style filter and it does about 1000 L/h.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Hi Beau

I Have a 2000ltr pond with waterlillies, valisineria & elodea.

All are easy to grow just need the odd trim.

Cheer's Dave

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Beau,

You would be surprised just how many different species of plants would grow in an

outdoor pond in Brisbane. Many plants would actually survive the winter months and thrive for the rest of the year. Just make sure the filter does not break the surface too much (as this dissipitates CO2 and restricts growth) and with an internal filter this should not be problem. In fact, you may not even need a filter as the plants will do this. So give any plant a go, and see what the results are like. Give the Val and Lilies ago, they should do ok. The lilies will need a footing such as a pot plant with gravel buried in the water.



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Lilies don't always need a footing and they are more than likely to outgrow any pot you put them in. That has been my experience anyway. I have one in a Koi pond free standing which flowers regularly and every summer it needs to be trimmed back and the tuber divided.

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