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What are these red spots?


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I have four gold fish in this bowl. I bought them for feeders and when one turned goldish, i dont have the heart to give them to my cichlids anymore.

Over the past few days, I noticed the following. Does anyone have any ideas? dntknw.gif

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I do water change every week, and they are fed my cichlid food. 47% marine protein.


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Can't tell you the problem, but I'm glad I'm not one of your goldfish. Don't think any fish would be happy living in there. rolleyes.gif

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Thanks guys. My intention was not to keep them you see, but a change of heart made me keep them. I've been trying to offload them to a friend.

cryblow.gif I hope they make it. Does adding salt help?

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It may be helpful to add salt, but I would go with something a little stronger and bump up your water changes to every two days using pre-aged water.

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Blood streaks in the finnage often indicates poisoning...are you using aged water? Also, as the others have said, you need to make their living conditions much better.

Andrea smile.gif

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If I am keeping them long term I will. At the moment, when i change the water, I add new water, then I prime it.

I do that to my cichlid tanks, and it seems to be fine for them.

I will add some salt tonight and get some melafix tomorow.

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At the moment, when i change the water, I add new water, then I prime it.

Adding water to the tank and then priming it still exposes your fish to everything that is in tap water once it enters the tank and while the prime works.

You should always age water before you use it, or if this just isn't possible at least add the prime to the water at least a couple of hours before the water changes. If possible if you aerate the water with the prime in it for the couple of hours before the water change you will speed up the effects. I'm very surprised that you haven't had issues with this in the past!

Your poor fish don't look to be in a good state at all! Are they showing signs of distress? increased breathing?

Is it possible to add at least some aeration to these fish bowls?

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I initially did a water change and primed and salted the bowl. Two days later, its all clear, and everything is still alive.

I didn't use melafix. Salt did it clap.gif

Hoges, I do stick in an air stone in the fish bowl from time to time. It doesn't have a permanent airpump though.

Thank you all for the responses wub.gif

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  • 1 month later...

The same thing happened to my daughters goldfish a few years back. It started when I ran out of goldfish food and started feeding them cichlid flake.

It seems that they cannot eat the cichlid food without having problems. Get them some goldfish food and that will not happen again.

Good luck.

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