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New shipment of Bettas Male & Female


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Aquatic Wholealers

114 Harrius Street


Ph 96891766

10am - 5pm 7 days

New Shipment just released from Quarantine

Male & Female

Over 500 to choose from

Doubletail, Clowntail,Delta tail,Plakat,Veiltail

4 day promotion until Wednesday 23rd November "Can send by post overnight"

Contact Rod

Ph 9689 1766 bus hrs only thumb.gif

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hi all raisehand.gif

well it's time for me to come out of the cupboard and fess up.

after 6 yrs with tangyanitis,i now have the Betta bug yes.gif

i've been lurking around the various sites for quite awhile, doing my research, looking at all the different types of tails and colours and the many different ways that they can be housed.

i spent 2hrs at Aquatic w/salers [sorry about the hard time i gave ya, Rod] searching through literaly hundreds of the little guys. oh so many colours and tails from which to choose. i eventually came away with crown tails, double tails and delta tails, total 10. i was so hard restricting myself to that number, but space is an issue atm. but in time, dntknw.gif see what happens.

so i'm on the look out for designs of betta barracks that will allow efective use of space for maximum numbers. any suggestions would be much appreciated confused.gif


ps. i see quite a few other cichlid ppl here with Bb as well wink2.gifwink2.gif

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