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To Shell or not to Shell?


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I am helping a friend set up a mix tang tank. Mainly small ones such as multis and julies. This tank will have lots of rock work. Now the question is would you add shells as well. My reasons for asking are a) my previous colony of multis preferred rocks to shells and b) I lost at least 2 fish to burying whilst hiding in shells.


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Adam how were they buried? Were they hiding in the shell while another fish moved sand a mouthful at a time? It seems strange for the fish to stay in the shell while this was going on.

Perhaps have a more shallow substrate and that wont be such an issue.

I agre with Craig, shells is the way to go thumb.gif

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Im not sure how they buried them, I assume it was a mouthful at a time, but i had 6 of them who used to dump on the a shell containing a compressorceps. I had to pull his shell up all the time. Thats my experiences anyways.


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I lost at least 2 fish to burying whilst hiding in shells.


I had this happen to one of my gold occie females. the shell was completely buried! I was syphoning the tank and the shell came up and boy did it stink!

I would also put some shells in the tank. Never heard of multis liking caves more than shells! dntknw.gif

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