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Feedback on Aquasonic’s


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im currently using the aquasonic sintered glass in an eheim and the genuine stuff in another and theres no noticable differences between the two, id imagine the eheim stuff would possibly be better in an overstocked tank due to its larger surface area

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im currently using the aquasonic sintered glass in an eheim and the genuine stuff in another and theres no noticable differences between the two, id imagine the eheim stuff would possibly be better in an overstocked tank due to its larger surface area



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I have used the sinitered glass, didn't like it. It tends to break down over time, and quite rapidally. When using in a canister there is there then the possiblity of small break-away peices getting caught in the impellor.

Now I only use the Matrix and is much better, also when you compare the surface area to volume ratio between the two it is a huge difference. When worth paying more for the Matrix. You can pick up 20L for $275.


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From experience, I just steer clear of anything beginning with the term "Aquasonic".

From experience, I will always have a look at anything beginning with the term "Eheim".


While I would agree that Eheim = good, at the same time it doesn’t mean Aquasonic is not it’s equal, or close enough to be of no difference. Aquasonic being an Australian company makes points with me, and they make a lot of good gear.

Eheim’s Efisubsrat breaks up over time, little by little the small grains of sintered glass come away, and you are left with less biological media. R.d.m has I think answered my question in that there is no noticeable difference between the two.


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craigs right,aquasonic do make good stuff,its just cheaper because its made here,i dont have a problem with any of their products,the rift lake conditioner is great value,also any filter media will break up (possibly with the exception of bioballs!)over a period of time thats why the good volks at eheim tell us to replace it at regular intervals

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So all the posts & only two people have actually used the Aquasonic gear that the question was relating to?

I'm sure Craig already knows how good Eheim stuff is & is only after a comparison, not more Eheim testamonials.

my 2c

Grant: Can you define breaks down rapidly? A month, a year, 5 years?

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While I would agree that Eheim = good, at the same time it doesn’t mean Aquasonic is not it’s equal, or close enough to be of no difference.  Aquasonic being an Australian company makes points with me, and they make a lot of good gear. 

Eheim’s Efisubsrat breaks up over time, little by little the small grains of sintered glass come away, and you are left with less biological media. R.d.m has I think answered my question in that there is no noticeable difference between the two.


I guess it all comes down to experience.

How often is it recommended to change out Effisubstrat?


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Eheim Substrat Pro all the way! From memory it has 450m2 of surface area per litre whereas Matrix has about 150-200. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong?

I have tried the AquaSonic media and wasnt that impressed.

If you want the most bang for your buck get hold of some JBL Micromec, it has the most surface area of any commercially available aquarium filter media product worldwide.

JBL Micromec give you 1500m2l surface area (equivalent of 3 and a bit litres of Eheim substrat pro II)

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Thanks Ash, you’re right. smile.gif It was still nice that people tried to help, even if they didn't read the question hug.gif .

Efisubstate is advertised as being in need of replacing at regular intervals, don’t remember the duration but to give you an idea it would be something like every 6-12 months. I believe this is totally fictitious and is designed to create a greater market for their product (i.e. you will go out and buy more).

How long will it last? I had it in a sump situation where it was taken out ever six months or so (along with the Matrix) and cleaned (agitated in aquarium water), then put back. Due to this it received more wear and tear and I would say over …..50% was gone in around four years. Efisubstate put in a media bag inside canister filters haven’t been replaced as yet, though I’m sure there will be less in there, and this comments makes me think I should open it up and put in some extra media as my overall surface area must have declined over the last few years though my fish number will not have.


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