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i have 5 calvus in a 3x2x2 community tank. They are about 18 mths old and it appears that i have 2 males + 3 females. One male has become dominant, but although he chases and harasses the other male there has been no physical damage to this point. They are fairly evenly matched for size. Is this likely to get worse as they go into breeding mode?

I want to know whether to remove one of the males, or whether it's possible to keep 2 mature calvus males in the same tank.



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Hi Oakes,

In my experience of keeping Black Calvus, I've never had a problem with more than one male in a tank as I have 4 males with 10 females and everyone gets along fine. Initially I started like yourself with 2 males and 3 females, saw that everyone got along fine and kept adding. You will see some aggression at times but as i said in my experience never a problem. If anyone else would care to share their experience please do so.



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