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Lotus berthelotti picture


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It is a beautiful pic but is this another of your bug munchers dntknw.gif or has the ant found a safe haven dry.gif .

Just kidding!! What a shame we have lost this one in it's natural habitats sad.gif


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Hi Aline -

Think the ant may have found some lunch. There's no danger here.

It's a rather sad story re: its extinction in the wild, L. berthelotti is originally from the Canary Islands. By the time it was collected and described it was already very rare in its habitat. Its presumed, I believe, to have been pollinated by a now extinct bird - the absence of the bird lead to the extinction of the plant in the wild. Thankfully we still have this plant in cultivation, though any extinction in the wild is a terrible thing.

It's a sad reminder of how species are often dependant on each other and the loss of one, can lead to the loss of others.

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