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Geophagus breeding.


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hey hey,

If there are no immediate threats in the tank to the bubs they are able to stay with mum and dad for a few weeks. The problem however is the size of the spawn and if they will have sufficient growing room - overcrowding fry can result in stunting and gill plate damage.

Fry also require frequent small feeds (like babies) and good quality water, so daily small water changes if possible.

I syphon off as many as I know I have the room to accommodate and continue splitting the bubs as they grow into larger tanks. Of course you have to have the room to do this so not feasible for all dry.gif .



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How big a tank are they in.I thought that Geophagus looked after the fry well?.I have not had them for years but the jurupari i had looked after the fry for 4-6 weeks before I removed them. I only left the mum with the fry, never left them with the colony. As you say Dan only know if you leave them and find out. Good luck , not many of these around are there?? John

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