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Substrate: Lime/Marble/Shell (009)

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hey guys.....

is it a good idea to put some crushed marble in the canister filter ????

will it bump the water a bit higher ????

any advice if welcomed , or if you have tried it b4 please reply.....

thx in adv

c ya

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Yep. Should work a treat.

Oyster shells or sea shells also work very well.

Edit: yeah, what Willy Wombat said.

BTW, please don't use coral. It has a hard enough time survivng in nature without us raping it. And isn't really any better than shell grit.

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till which PH level will it buffer the water ????

i have about 6 oyster shells to be used in the canister ....

is this reliable enough for tang cichlids with the crushed marble as subtrate ????

thx in adv.

c ya

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No one can give you a definite value for what your pH will be after putting crushed marble as your substrate or oysters shells in your filter.

It all depends on what the pH of the water coming out of your tap is, if you have any wood in the tank, the size of the crushed marble, etc, etc.

Invest in a pH test kit. This is the best way to learn what the current value is.

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can anyone help what shop besides aquarium shop might sell crushed marble?is ph maximum ph for crushed marble higher than used with a lot of oyster shells?does its effect lessen with time?can there be too much marble in a tank so the ph raises over 9.5? smile.gif

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I doubt crushed marbe would ever make the pH 9.5

Even freshly hardened concrete would only just make it that high. I used to use crushed marble in my tanks and the pH used to sit on 8.0 pretty much all the time.

Landscape / pebble supply places will usually sell the bags of marble for about $10 per 20kg bag.

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I just use standard crushed marine grit from the aquarium.

Water is always at 8.1 Ph.

I do use Cichlid water conditioner which is suppose to buffer the water (which is not necessary) and also adds the appropriate salts and other minerals.

Haven't had any issues.


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