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swarming fish


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I saw some fish in the shop the other day that were swimming together in a school. They were swarming around the tank and it looked awsome. It was a salt water tank though.

Are there any chiclids that are fairly small 4-5cm that 'swarm' or school together like that? I have a 3 foot tank and would love to fill it with 10 or 15 of that type of fish.



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My P. saulosi fry swarm when I feed them. LOL.gif

Seriously though, you could try saulosi. They grow to about 4" however the females regular form a bit of a school and follow the glass walls of the tank back and forth, which is a bit of a swarming spectacle. In a 3ft you could only have one male as they're very agressive conspecifally, but with a good filter system you could add 5-6 females maybe more.

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Hi Deane,

For "swarming" fish I think G. acei are a great choice. They are reasonably inexpensive, breed easily, very tolerant of other species (and each other) and relatively undemanding.

Andrea smile.gif

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