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What's your favourite African ?


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Bet yous will never guess mine. tongue.gif

Maylandia lombardoi (Also known as Pseudotropheus lombardoi and Metriaclima lombardoi)

Such a nice looking fish, Spectacular colours and definitely can look after themselves ^_^


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Got to love Ps flavus and yes Wetfish those Ps elongatus mpanga look great, Ps demasoni very nice, How about Placidochromis sp "Gold Mbamba Bay", or Ophthalmotilapia ventralis "samazi" , thats my picks John clap.gifthumbup.gif

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Cyathopharynx foai- I'm with andy on the breeding behaviour

Pseudotropheus msobo "Magunga"- I have to agree with Andy on these guys as well, awesome looking fish.

Neolamprologus Pulcher/Brichardi- Best parents i've ever had huh.gif, and best finnage.


PS: No i'm not a copy cat tongue.gif i just happen to agree with him.

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i think most species have thier 'standout' varients

but ~ any of the furcifers/ foai do it for me. when the males 'light up', spectacular!!

for some thing different in the spawning stakes, gotta be the Cyps. mid water and she swims backwards to pick up the egg.

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Very true colefish, i'm amazed at their (foai) ability to turn their colours on and off at will. It takes a blink of an eye for them to change.


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Neolamprologus Brichardi - my mate has these guys breeding in his tank & they put convicts to shame! There's 3 broods of different ages, all in the one cloud! Plus the awesome finnage of the parents.

Not to mention attitude - attacking fronts 5 times their body size when they get to close

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I really love featherfins. I have some foai and am growing up some opthalmotilapia boops. Next stop O ventralis - the colour, shape and demeanour of the fish are very impressive.

I find Malawi cichlids spend too much time beating each other up.


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I would have to agree with the others that featherfins are very interesteing and put on a nice colour show when breeding, but it is how excited the male gets when a female shows any interest that gets me....

But Tropheus are awsome in their colours, attitudes, and behavious as a colony..

tough choice, but the Ts get it here...

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I agree that the Cyprichromis spp. have an interesting spawning procedure, as do all the featherfins.

My favourite Malawis include F. rostratus and the G. acei variants due to their colour and placid nature.

My favourite Tanganyikans include S. multipunctatus, C. frontosa, N. multifasciatus and Tropheus spp.

My favourite "others" include S. tinanti, D. sexfasciatus and S. casuarius.

Too hard really to narrow it down any more than that blush.gif

Andrea smile.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

I do love Afra Cobwes. The males are beautifully coloured and I have found not too aggressive, even when breeding. The females, though much plainer are not totally uninteresting. The best is that they add colour to a tank with other species while not attacking them.

Michael clap.gif

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Tropheus duboisi maswa (colour)

Tropheus moori "bemba red" (colour)

Ps. Demasoni (def stunning colour, aggressive though)

E. yellows (colour)

Cyprichromis leptosoma "blue flash" (dig pits and looks great)

Vampire, Normal and sailfin plecos (big beautiful fish)

Sorry dont have one LOL.gif

There is and will be more but cant think thumbup.gif


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