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Pellet only diet


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I have a healthy pair of devils that strangley won't accept anything other than pellets. They will eat a varied assortment of pellets though which is a good thing. I've tried tempting these guys with prawn, beefheart, brineshrimp, earthworms, mealworms and insects but no luck huh.gif ( The male did eat a convict once though). My question is will a diet of pellets only be sufficient for life? Disappointing in a way as its fun feeding the occassional treats to your fish!

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Most pellets will contain everything a fish needs to be healthy. It's much cheaper and more efficient than feeding frozen or live food, and the risk of introducing a disease through food is virtually nil.

If the fish prefer pellets, let them eat pellets wink2.gif

Give them a decent variation (maybe 3 or 4 different brands) and include 3 meat protein pellets (hikari, Orca, tetra etc) and one vegetable protein pellet (maybe OSI / Sera or something?).

Then simply alternate the foods each day, or even mix up a handful of each in a big tin and give them a mixed selection each day.

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Yep i agree with Andy. Devils are very fussy and it is important not feed them one particular food too much as they will refuse to eat anything else but that one food after a while. Then when you want to get them on other foods it could be 3-4 weeks before he finally gives in and starts eating other foods. Awesome fish but bloody sooks when they don't get their way LOL.gif. So you are very lucky yours are not fussy with their pellet food.


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