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Tropheus Brichardi "canary cheek"


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I am seriously thinking about expanding my Tropheus collection and the canary cheeks are what I want. wub.gif

Does anyone know of these fish being in the country. I know I can get them imported, but would like to know if they are in the country before I do.

Any info would be appreciated




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Hi Josh,

They have been here in oz in small numbers - Brichardi are very aggressive and need to be in big groups to keep them successfuly, alot have been lost to aggression.

I remember Steve (BengaBoy) telling me he knew of a colony in Perth

Good luck locating them


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I have brought them in but there are two morphs that they sell as canary cheek. I had one years ago that was sold to me as canary cheek but was in fact mpimbwe yellow cheek. One is black with a white face and a yellow dot (true canary cheek) the other one is brown with a yellow patch under the eye (mpimbwe yellow cheek). They are both Brichardi and like Jim said they are best kept in a big group.

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Thanks for the replies guys. I have the new tank here now and its cycling. should be ready in a few months. I know there's acouple of colony's in Perth.

I am aware of the aggression issues and am planning to get big colony and it's the true canary's I will hopefully be getting.

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Great to see u r still addicted to Tropheus!! I must say those canary cheeks r very impressive indeed. Let us know how u go in trying to get them. I know someone who had some for sale who is one of the sponsers (i am sure u know who i mean!). Will u be getting F1 or wildcaught? I would love some fry in the future if u finally get them.

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I don't think I would be buying the ones being talked about. they should be adults by now I reckon laugh.gif I am on the trail of a few in WA. Hopefully i will know something in the next few weeks


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Sorry little swimmer don’t mean to hijack your post but I can’t stop my self arrggg LOL.gifLOL.gif

Nigel any of these on your list wub.gif

Morri muzumba, nkambabay, moba, malasa, kiku, must stop..... my...........self arrrggg


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Looks like some sort of mutant  dntknw.gif I did have a link to a site somewhere that showed a couple of mutant strains of trophues . One was completly yellow and another one looked like an OB  blink.gif


Looks similar to tropheus moorii "ob kambwimba"...."ob redrainbow",check it out: Cichlid-forum.com

Cheers Christian

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