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Apistogramma borellii


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Theyre not supposed to be! Theyre meant to be a pair however their behaviour makes me suspicious. I hope theyre not the same sex. Can anyone tell? I dont know if theyre big enough to sex by colour just yet.

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The female should have a much shorter dorsal fin than the male. The male's dorsal fin is long and follows the line of the tail having an almost crescent shaped gap between the dorsal and the tail.


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Hey Blake, I'm 110% sure that both of your borellii are males. Eventhough they are not very big in sizes, but they've all got the red markings on their face and similar colours on the bodies. Female borellii should look duller and brown-yellowish than the males and it's really easy to distinguish their difference.

Male A. borellii - 01

Male A. borellii - 02

Female borellii - 01

Female A. borellii - 02

Male borellii (Left) and Female borellii (Right)

HTH smile.gif

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It does help thanks mate. Looks like I may need to order another fish from AI. I'm not happy Jan. Time to call Anthony and see if he can liase with AI for me, try to rectify the situation.

Thanks mate smile.gif

Im assuming if I get a female I should definately get rid of one of my males? Two males and one female in a 20" tank = death?

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