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Caudo's and Brevis

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<H1>Caudo's and Brevis</H1><DIV id=Qtextbox><P><STRONG>Author: Cam04</STRONG><BR><BR>Just wondering what peoples thoughts are about putting 2 x caudo pairs with 2 x brevis pairs in a 3*18*18?



I am not too worried about X-breeding (though I realise that this is a possibility). I also realise that these two species are competing for the same/similar breeding sites. Just curious as to whether agression wise/territory wise, would it be possible to squeeze these pairs into this size tank.

</DIV><H2>Replies »</H2><DIV id=Atextbox><P><STRONG>Author: Link 2 Hell</STRONG><BR><BR>Hi Cam


I have to agree that my worry would be the aggression if it was Ocellatus but Brevis are a bit more mellow and Caudopuntatus don't have the attitude or equipment to cause problems



I have seen Caudo's and Multifasciatus co habit and consider that Caudo's and Brevis will be OK given its a 3' x 18" wide



Just supply plenty of shells and let them go



</DIV><DIV id=Atextbox><P><STRONG>Author: Cam04</STRONG><BR><BR>Thanks Chris



I had a feeling that they would do alright together in a tank that size, but it's always good to have someone else confirm it.






</DIV><DIV id=Atextbox><P><STRONG>Author: Lee Hodge</STRONG><BR><BR>i dont know about u guys but my caudo pr kane everyone in any tank they are in when they wanna breed and when they got fry. So maybe their might be a bit of fighting. But if the territories are spaced apart their shouldnt be too much aggresion, mybe consider putting up small mounds of rocks so they arent in eachothers line of sight.


I have heaps of brevis and have found they are very peacefull although the large males sometimes get into huge jaw wars and they last for ages. But they usually work themselves out.





</DIV><DIV id=Atextbox><P><STRONG>Author: Chilli Powder</STRONG><BR><BR>Have to agree with Lee here on this. I had caudos, occies and grown calvus in a 4ft display. When the caudos bred, they chased everything away! they were bloody aggressive.





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