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New Photo ~ Nandopis Istlanum


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What a beauty!!!! thumbup.gifthumbup.gif

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Your making all the Aussie American cichlid lovers absolutely insanely jealous with all these fish mate. Another awesome fish thumbup.gif

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I have him solo in a 75 gallon tank

When oh when are you guys going to catch up to the rest of the world and go Metric? LOL.giftongue.gif

Nice fish, and very nice pics! Thanks for sharing them thumbup.gif

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hey BaZ, how are all those new 24" tanks going? Or was that 69mm tanks?

If you're going to try and catch me out you'd better get your facts right first. 69mm is a mighty small tank!! tongue.gif

I think you'll find the tanks you are referring to are 60cm or close to it. Whatever their dimensions are, each one holds 50L blush.gif

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