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I have a pair of Kribs and they have breed B4 but its been months without any signs. My male recently has been really aggressive towards the female attacking her and chasing her around the tank. She has lost her colour.

I'm thinking she isn't ready to mate and he is, i dont want him to kill her so should i take the male or female out of the tank for a while?

Cheers Will

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What i would do is separate the female krib into another tank. try feeding her heaps of food to fatten her up. then release her back into the original tank after a few weeks. hopefully absense will make the male's heart grow fonder. :lol

are there enough hiding spots in the original tank?

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I agree with Novafishy that if she can't escape his unwanted attention a period of separation may be required. Where abouts in NSW are you located. I have a couple of spare females that you can have your pick for free if you decide to remove her or she dies. The proviso is that you live close enough.


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