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sump filter


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Hi All

Looking for a more easy way to clean my sponges in my sump filter

sponge size 23.5inch x 10 inch wide

ok the old way I have done it is to wash and scrunch wash and scrunch

with water restrictions this seens like a waste of water

any ideas ,chemicals people can recommend

I have put new sponges in today but want to clean these ones and get them ready for a change over for my next filter clean



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I'm a fan of the wash and scrunch technique smile.gif

If you're really concerned you could try washing them in the water you drain from your tanks? I drain my waterchange water out onto the garden so it's not wasted, but I guess if I was feeling really green I could wash and scrunch under the end of that hose blush.gif

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if you wash them in tap water youll kill the bacteria colony in them

This is not a big concern unless he's hoping to clean ALL the media at once.

I always use tap water to clean any media, but I only clean a third of the media at any one time.

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hey Craig

wash & scrunch is the only way to go. unless you want to use hose pressure

retain some of the change water in buckets and use this to wash the sponge then rinse in clean water. [hard to get clean when they're really dirty eh!] good job when ya in a bad mood and need therapy LOL.gif

have fun

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