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Ich and salt treatment


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Hi Guys,

well i bought from a dodgy LFS, and of course ive paid the price, my tank has ich. So my tank contains neons,harlequins,SAE's,Platy's and otto's. Was just wondering how much salt i should add per litre??/ I know the platy's,SaE's and otto's can stand a fair bit of salt, prolly 1 Tbs per 20L but not sure bout the tetras and raspbora's.

So any suggestions on the amount of salt that is safe to dose these guys???/

The tank is a 15gal planted. Just raised temp to 30 degrees

Thanx Guys

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You can use Protozin which is a chemical treatment for Ich. This treatment will only kill the free swimming parasite stage of the infection. It will not kill eggs on the substrate or parasites on the fish. If your fish have a bad case of Ich ie, behavioural effects in addition to spots i would treat with chemicals (as untreated Ich can be lethal). If your fish seem fine with just spots visible then i would prefer salt with an increase in water temp.

Having said the above i have not kept the fish you mention. If you raise the temperature to 29-30 for a week the increase will speed up the cycle of the parasite. You must do regular water changes (IMO once every two days) to remove as many eggs as possible off the substrate before they hatch and become free swimming. thumb.gif

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I would avoid salt in this situation (it helps the fish (PROVIDED they are salt tolerant) more than harming the parasite in my opinion anyway).

Instead I'd recommend a white spot treatment. Anything with formaldehyde and malachite green will do the job. BUT - please follow the instructions on the bottle accurately.

You will need to repeat the dose (post water change at some point in the near future).

Also go easy on the food. Formaldehyde and biological filters arent the best of friends.

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