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Betta varieties


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I don't keep bettas, I never have smile.gif

But, a friend at work is looking for a good place to buy some of the different varieties (crown tails etc) and naturally assumed that since I am into fish, I would either breed them or know all about them LOL.gif

So, is there much of the more unusual/fancy types available in Sydney? What kind of prices should he expect to pay? Is he best going to a store or are there a few Betta breeders around Sydney?

Thanks for your help smile.gif

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Come on Baz, you have a secret Betta fetish, it's OK - just come out into the open with it laugh.giflaugh.gif

Cheers mate thumb.gif


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I saw some rather nice looking crown tails at Pet Barn in Roseberry for 10 bucks I think. Normally they don't seem to have lifestock but hey had some betta bowls with them in them. I'm not into betta's myself but I did set up a betta tank for my parents in law so I can see what people like about them.

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really depends on what sorta lfs or pet shop you guys have around... all shops have different prices for the different finage... for sure vail and crown tails are less that $20,.. all the fancies are more than if your not getting em through a breeder..

hey, if your mate is after a cheap buy.. there's an aquarium at canley vale that sells em for $4 eahc.. male and female...

hope that helps..

Kath raisehand.gif

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to get a way from B. spendens a bit. I bought a few B. picta a while ago just for a bit of something different. I hadnt seen them around before but they are relatively easy to breed (they insist on migrating into my sump and breeding amongst the bioballs, they seem to be very adept at circumventing any attempts to stop them).

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to get a way from B. spendens a bit. I bought a few B. picta a while ago just for a bit of something different. I hadnt seen them around before but they are relatively easy to breed (they insist on migrating into my sump and breeding amongst the bioballs, they seem to be very adept at circumventing any attempts to stop them).


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If he wants to get some imported ones talk to Slippery Little Suckers at Kingsford. They import top quality bettas there but expect to pay about $100-$120 per pair for a Halfmoon or around $40-$80 for a really nice CT pair. They do get other cheaper ones imported though. There are local breeders in sydney on another forum. That usually sell there fry from the imported ones for about $20-40 a pair. Not sure if i am aloud to post the site on here so if you want it PM me.

HTH, Matt

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