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Dropside Filter


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Hey all

Just wondering if many people use this method of filtering and is it very successful

as I am looking in to it to filter some 6X2X2 in the future.

Thanx Everyone that responds


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to give you an idea, i have a 6x2x2 with a dropside filter and an atman 226 internal in it (i think that is the model). anyway the fish in that tank i had until the weekend was as follows

10 acei, 7 polys, 3 fuscos, 9 venustus, 3 red empress, 3 plecos, two bnose, 5 kingsizei, 2 saulosi, 9 pulus, 3 peacocks, 2 polits, 2 blues, 22 maingano and aboout 70 or so 1cm fry in floating tubs. all the fish were around the 6-8cm mark and I had no issues at all with filtration.

so I would say they are awesome for filtration thumb.gif

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I will add my voice to those above. I have side drops on lots of my tanks. In fact Aline has some of her tropheus (K2's) breeding in one of these tanks.

I have also seen a 10x2x2 tank that has frontosa in it and also had side drop filters.

Side drops work well and run on air.



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I am with the others...I have 1 working side-drop filter and another one to be added to the room to replace an existing tank.

They are brilliant and do a great job at providing great filtration at very low running/repair costs...if you go with one tank this way, it will not be long till you want all your tanks filtered this way.

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