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Apistogramma macmasteri "Wild Caught"


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Hi i was just curious how to breed A. Macmastri is there anyway of telling the sex because mine are hard to distinguish.

If they do breed how do you get a better success rate for eggs hatching and for the parents caring for them?

If anyone can help it would be great.


Andrew woot.gif

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This is really quite freaky. I was actually logging on to ask if anyone had experience with Apistogramma macmasteri. I found out on the w/e my LFS can get in a heap of diff apistos at the moment, including a fair few wild caught. I had decided on a trio of A. macmasteri wild caught. I havn't found much info on them on the net but I have ordered the Mergus Cichlid atlas Vol 1 and hope it will contain some info.

I got this off a german website (translated by google) :


Sexing : The male is broader than the female. The dorsal fin of the male is longer and its caudal is red.


Min 6.0 23.0 2.0 2.0

Max 6.5 30.0 4.0 4.0

Let me know how you go. I'll probably be getting mine in a couple of weeks after I clear some space.


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