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DIY fry saver

MikeWs Fish

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Styro under the fry saver is also ok - holds it up against the top of the tank glass and doesnt float all over the place - good for tanks with wiers.

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Just silicon polystyrene strips on as per the instructions on the scp site:


I have an assortment of fry savers but prefer bigger ones than those on the site as it allows me to use lots of polystyrene to float them hard up against the tank glass so I get less escapees or hungry drop-in visitors.

I just snapped some photos that might help it easier to follow the instructions:

(as you can see from the little one I sometimes use a bit of fishing line to help out the silicon)

Oh yeah.... to position the floatie in the tank: I tie a bit of fishing line to the fry saver and then tie the other end to a piece of polystyrene which I hang out the fron of the tank as a kind of anchor. Make sure you use fishing line for this rather than something like string or you'll end up with all the water gradually dripping out onto the floor.

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What about pseudotropheus fry. It looks like it might be a bit of a toss up whether to put them in that. Currently they are in one of those$12 fry savers with a green frame and a covering net. There are no other fish in the tank besides them. Also these fry were milked on fri night. will i be able to put fry that will be milked in 2 fridays time in with the fry that were milked last friday?

Mike W

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will i be able to put fry that will be milked in 2 fridays time in with the fry that were milked last friday?

I wouldn't try it, they grow fast once you start feeding them, and the little ones may be unable to compete with their older compadres. I would grow the little ones up until they are of a more similar size, then mix them in a suitably sized tank/container later. 3 weeks is too much of a gap imo.



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