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Hemitilapia oxyrhynchus


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Hi everyone!

I'm rather excited as the trio of oxy's I got at the auction have just produced their first mouthfull wub.gif.

The girl has gone extremely flighty and I'm a little afraid of going too close to their tank for fear of her spitting, but hopefully I can get her holding full term and have some bubs to grow up woot.gif

Anyway, that's enough of my excitement for now blush.gif


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Hey there,

Well, to be honest they've been extraordinarily shy. As you can imagine it makes it terribly difficult to actually take a decent shot. They have this nasty habit of sticking to the back glass in the 3*18*18 they currently reside in and the light isn't too good. The shots I've taken aren't my best but they give a general idea of what the fish is like I suppose. Certainly don't show him at his best sadsmiley02.gif.

Here's a shot of the male on one of his rare escapades away from the back glass (at least while i'm standing there with the camera).

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This is my gal with a nice gobfull. She's not as flighty as she was yesterday and seems to be holding on tight, so things are looking a lot better today.

user posted image

Enjoy smile.gif


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Hey there,

No worries Dave, I saw you there guarding the munchies, but I was too focussed on spending up then to get off my butt blush.gif

We don't make it up to the Sydney meetings anymore since we moved down here. We've started attending the Wollongong meetings recently and that's a strain on the petrol budget as it is dry.gif

I daresay you'll be seeing us in march though wink.gif.



PS. She's still hanging on woot.gif

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