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Flame Back Bleeding Hearts DEAD


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Recently I bought two lots of these over two weeks. All of them died_

First time - bought 6. Put them into a holding tank at the shop I work at part time with a few other tetras. cardinals. They looked great out of the bag. The first two died that night and the next four over two days after I took them home.

Second time - Not being one to admitt to defeat I bought 10. Again they all died within 3 days. Again in the work tank then mine at home. Each tank had other tetras including Diamonds, Black and red phantoms, and normal bleeding hearts. The second time that they died in my tank two of my normal bleeding hearts died also, they had been in there for 6 months. I was left with only one of my normals.

There were no visible signs of illness on the fish. Im confused as it is unusual that all died in both lots, and that two of my well established normal bleeding hearts died the second time. Any ideas?? The fish come from Aquarium Industries in Melbourne.

PS. This is not a gripe against them as they provide good fish and great service. I called them and they stated all the Flame backs they had were fine and only had one other claim of dead ones.

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this puts me in mind of my fronty story , but i wont go into it again. these fish obviously had some insidious disease which has manifested itself due to the stress of transport etc , the supplier has dobbed himself in by saying he only had one other complaint , he may have only sold 2 lots of fish ! i would now demand that he either replaces the fish or give you a refund,and also threaten him with dire consequenses if(asit sounds like it has)this malady has been passed on to your healthy stock, the fact that your on this forum shows that you probably know more about fish husbandry than this lfs, so i hope that this matter is resolved. let us know how you go

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I was given full refund for the fish from the supplier, and was very happy with the service. They said they had sold more without any problems but Im certainly inclined to believe it was the fish. Meh! just part of the hobby! I will try them again in the future when there are new shipments in the country. By the way an awsome looking tetra if anyone is interested!

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Hello Andrew,

I haven't bought any fish from AI for many years, but I'm sure their quality is good.

I buy fish from other wholesalers every week, however, and I'd guess that you are dealing with a bacterial gill infection.

I treat with chloromycetin when I have a problem or suspect the fish have travelled hard.

You may find that fish in Sydney are more likely to suffer, because of the extended time in shipping. If I was you I'd use a preventative treatment on the next batch.

It's well worth persevering, the fish are stunning when adult.

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Might have something to do with the PH in your tank, as it might have been different from what was at the shop tank.

I always found that with tetras especially they can die straight away when the leave one tank and go to another.

Check your PH though, as most likely the Flame Back Bleeding hearts came from a tank with different PH. You might have a Neutral PH in your tank most liely the shop tank might have been acidic.

Either that or you just got unlucky with the fish you purchased but I highly doubt it had anything to do with the shops tanks if the fish were prefectly healthy when you saw them.

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The PH in both the shop tank and my tank was 6.8. The fish died both in the shop tank and in mine. I am thinking that the gill infection thing could be a cause. Next time I will treat with something. I think it just comes down to luck. We purchase hundreds of tetras per month for the shop from API and have no worries other than the odd batch of cardinals or more sensitive types that dont travel too well in the bag, especially when crowded. There really was no evident or usual explination that I could see. All the other tetras we got at the same time were fine. The fact that I lost two of my normal bleeding hearts in my tank after the flamebacks died would suggest a species specific bacterial infection I think. Besides that I have no other idea. I was very pedantic when gettihng these guys I can assure you!


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