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Cyathopharyn Furcifer


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I bought a cyathopharyn furcifer ruziba at the ausction on Saturday.

It is currently in a tank on its own (4x2x2) and it is happily swimming around and looks very lively but I haven't seen it eat anything since last Saturday. I have been giving it small amounts of spirulina and tried a few floating pellets but it is totally uninterested.

The pH is about 8.4 and the gH around 10.

Does anyone have any tips about how to get this fella eating? Are there other types of food I should try?

The tank is bare except for some crushed marble substrate



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If I had the time and the money all I would feed my foai is Frozen or Live Brine Shrimp. They love it and they do really well on it. Pretty much all I feed mine is Hikari Frozen Brine Shrimp. If I have run out or don't have time to thaw it they get flake or tetra bits but other than that I try and keep them on a diet of 100% brine shrimp.

So as Nigel said, try some Brine Shrimp, once he tastes it and knows what it is I don't think he will look back, unless there is something wrong with him.

Are you running a light on the tank? I soon found they hate having a light on, and they look much better when the natural light hits them from different angles.

Best of luck. thumb.gif

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Agree with Ben the brine shrimp rocks their world... Frozen or live

Mine will eat flake from the surface but prefer to mid or bottom feed, does yours sift sand much?? I place the flake or brine shrimp in the out flow of the AC500, and all the fish go nuts, they actually go nuts when they see me put my hand up there...

any excess food in the tank will soon be found and eaten from the bottom. they never stop, and they like to eat algae off the glass and rocks!

If he still wont take food from the surface try adding some other fish , i have found that fish will copy other fish, in feeding habbits..my cuckoos even eat from the surface now...

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Thanks for the replies - very helpful.

I will try the brine shrimp tomorrow. I think you may be right about having other fish in there. I think he needs someone to take the lead and show him what to do. He isn't sifting any sand at the moment - just swimming vigorously.


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