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Filter stop workin.... :(


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Today when i went to check to my tanks one of the tanks water level when down to like 10cm ohmy.gif

it didint leak anywhere because i couditn see any water on the floor and also my filter stopped at the same time and now it wont work ohmy.gif

Its a 4ft standard and the filter is a Resun sp3800L internal power filter but it uses a bucket with media in it and a hose from the filter to the bucket then the water goes down the bucket through a hole., its liek a cannister jsut the ugly version. its rated at 2000 litres per hour.

i checked inside and tnothign looks to be missing.

all of a sudden jsut stop working huh?

any help is appreciated

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Was the pump running while out of the water? If it was then it might be burnt out. Were did all the water go?


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Evaporation maybe in the hotter weather?

Especially if the bucket is open at the top, you'll lose a certain amount of water through evaporation which will need topping up more often in hotter weather.

I'm having to add around 10L a week to my 500L tank to make up for water lost to evaporation.

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The filter was out of the water when i checked the tank.

Honestly i dont know where the water went becasue i checked all aroudn and there wasent one drop.

maybe it was evaporation? This resulted in a lot of my fish dieing when i had to add new water.

it stuned me to see all my water go down to like 10cm. in my bucket there is alot of wool, maybe it got dried up in it? but i never had problems with that.

and the bucket is open always.


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When was the last time you saw the tank and it was full?

I doubt such a large amount of water will just disappear via evaporation in a short time. ohmy.gif

Maybe it has all dripped down onto the powerboard where you have plugged the filter in.

Just be careful mate, you have a lot of electricity going into the tank(via the heater, filter, air pump) and you now have a lot of missing water. Be careful where you step. thumb.gif

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all my other filters, pumps, heaters are workign fine on the same powerboard.

ok in the mornign i saw it was full, then when i went down to check at around 3 o clock or maybe before thats when i saw it was down to 10cm.

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