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Sick Clown Loaches


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Hi All cool.gif

I have a 2ft community tank with about 14 fish (tetras, cats, an angel,a pair of blue rams and 4 loaches 2 khuli and 2 clown)

my problem is I just got my second wave of white spot, which I have treated and most fish recoverd. My poor Clown Loaches cant shake it.

Do they need a stronger dose? or does it take longer with lager fish?

Can anyone help save my favourite little guys??

Thank you anyone that can help. thumb.gif

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Had same problem with my clown loaches recently.Use ICHAWAY white stop cure

at half the recommended dose.Raise the water temp to 27-28 degrees(important),

dont feed your fish for 2-3 day's.After 1 week do a 25-30% water change and repeat the process.This work's for me.

Good luck,Zoran

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if anythng u need to lower dosage the clown loach don't have scales and are very sensitive to medication so you should watch out.

Did they get white spots when u introduced them into the tank? If not do u know what may have triggered teh white spots?

try white spot remedy or anything that ur lfs has that removes white spot.

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Jester -

You need to make sure you repeat the dose (read the medication instructions).

Here's some info at the definative Aquaria FAQs:


and some info from the knowledgable George Reclos of MCH:


(see Ich)

You need to be sure you repeat so you kill newly hatched parasites (they arent susceptible to the medication while attached to the host - or in the gravel).


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So once your fish are clear of white spot you have repeat the medication dose as recommended on the container to rid parasites in the gravel and newly formed one?

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Yup -

in essence the medication onlyeffectively kills parasites when are swimming in the water column. When they are on the fish they are immune!

So you need to redose.


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The fact that the "spots" don't all fall off at once makes white spot harder to treat sad.gif. You need to make sure you repeat the dosage, sometimes more than twice..

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  • 1 month later...


i had a similar prblem with my clown loaches which I found was being caused by agro tank mates. Cloan loaches are very susceptible to white spot as they have no scales to protect them. Keep a good eye on your tank as they are obviously stressed or another fish in the tank might still be carrying it once it has disappeared off the loaches. I use to Wardley's Ickaway and dose 3-4 times following the bottles instructions which I found was enough to rid them of it. Failing that separate them into another tank if possible and dose the rest of your fish with a full dose and the clowns with a half dose and reintroduce them once they have recovered.



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I have 4 clown loaches and have never had a prob with white spot. these reason for this being that whenever i move or introduce new ones to tanks i allow them 24hrs to adjust to the tank then i add whitespot medication. usually only half the dose since there is no actualy problem with the fish. This hasnt hurt the fish and i have ahd no problems with whitespot.

Now i know this wont help at the moment but in the future u should try this.

Hope everything goes well.

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Raise the tank temp to 30 C, this will speed up the life cycle of the ICH and they will die quicker!

I do not use any meds anymore. They damage the bacteria in the filters can cause bigger problems then Ich

All i do is raise the temp and add salt, 1 tsp- 1 tbs to every 20ltrs. The salt helps to kill the Ich, helps to regenerate the slime coat and also relaxes the fish!


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