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saratogas again


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good to get a current going.

You have 2 AC500s and you need to get a current going ?!?! huh.gif

Why not rig something with an internal power filter which pumps into a bucket or similar on top of the tank ?

Might be a bit ugly but it'd work, and it'd be cheap.

Other than that, i reckon a Canister would be the way to go, use that for your biological filtration, and your aquas as mechanical (or one as mechanical, one for chemical, or something like that).

Of course, both an internal and a canister would be better, LOL. But i see no real need for an internal if you get a canister.

I'd've thought the aquas would create enough current to get the crap off the bottom, but a powerhead/internal could be handy if they don't.



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ive never used the ac's before so i wasnt sure how they would go. once ive got it going ill do some figuring out so far

2 aqua clear 500's

2 300 watt heaters

1 saratoga


light (bright or dull which is better??)

canister of some sort(over 1000 LPH)

wood and other decore.

ps id love to see some good setups of some native tanks so i can get an idea.


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