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Red devil and Pleco?


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I can get a nice cheap albino pleco and i want to know if it can live in a four footer with a red devil of the same size??? Will the devil attack it or just let it get on with things??

Cheers, Alan.

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ive had a red devil live with plecs in a 4ft tank with no problems but i also had another red devil who decided to take chunks out of the fins of the plecs mad.gif

...so i guess its up to the personality your red devil


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Im gonna give it a go, my female is very placid for a Red devil. If it doesnt work out, i have other tanks he can go in.

Its an albino which was born without eyes.....yep, no eyes at all, it doesnt even have marks where the eyes should be. So im gonna give it a nice home here so it can relax and retire peacefully.

Cheers, Alan.

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my reds have a 20cm pleco in their 6 footer ,99%of the time no probs then once the male red decided to peck the plec ,the pleco being the way they are just swam off. plecos are pretty tough(armour plated) but the potential for disaster is there ohmy.gif

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I have gone with the plan, and the 2 seem to be getting along fine. I think because the pleco is just cruising doing its own thing along with ignoring the red devil, the devil doesnt care, she occasionally gives the pleco a nudge, but its with a closed mouth as i think she has realised the pleco has a nice tough outer layer..lol

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Depends on the size and temprement of the fish involved!

I have a large Red Devil (30cm) and a large gippiceps pleco (40cm) sharing a 5x2x2 tank.

After the Devil shredded the gibbiceps dorsal and tail fins I had to partition the tank then move them. The Devil didnt try to bite the catfish but did take chunks out of his fins and generally made his life hell non-stop.


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