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help red spots?


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lately i noticed a red spot sort of like a pimple on one of my cichlids

its like white spots but only one spot and red instead of white

what is this and can it be treated

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one of my blackbelts has some off pinky/reddish growths around it's dorsal fin (didn't see it when I bought it). the "growths" individually are about the size of whitespot but stick out (3 dimentional, like pimples)

I tried various different meds to no avail, the best thing I've had so far is giving the fish strong salt baths weekly. seem to be slowly cleaning it up. unsure.gif

at no time did my fish act sick, though the amount of these "growths" made it look like euthanising was the way to go. sadsmiley02.gif The other thing was that this condition was not contagous whatsoever.

2 months later of TLC and you can only see them when you look hard (might have some scarring, first few dorsal rays are missing atm).

I dunno if this is the same thing, no-one had heard of it when I asked for advice. Everyone's best guess was worms/flukes but all the paracite meds did nothing.

I just thought I'd post this incase it's similar, can you give more info?

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kinda - I wish my digicam wasn't dead. can you take a pic?

btw - my fish had HEAPS of them, all along the dorsal line, so it may be unrelated.

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Hi Guys -

Sounds like some kind of localised infection. A picture would definately help. If the fish are big you can get them out of the tank and dab the pimples with a soln of mecurichrome (sp?).

Alternatively go for a more holistic approach and try to work out the causes (which are often related to stresses ie: tank size, filtration, water change regimes, aggression etc).


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