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You know you're addicted to cichlids when ...


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I thought this thread might be worth a laugh. Its probably been done before but oh well, most ideas are borrowed these days cool.gif I thought everyone could contribute one, or a few examples of how to tell when you're addicted to cichlids.

Two I thought of were:

You know you're addicted to cichlids when your fishroom is worth more than your car


You know you're addicted to cichlids when you refer to pregnant women as "holding"

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Additional addictions:

Curiousity: How each fish breed and behave.

Selfish-ness: Want every fish available and being the fish to keep/breed other fish everyone does.

Business: Making abit of money of out cichlids and wanting to make more

Competitions: Challenge yourself to breed and being able to keep rarer fish.

I like this one 'You know you're addicted to cichlids when your fishroom is worth more than your car'. There is more to add to this, such as, spending expensive on the fish you wouldn't normally spend on other stuff. For example, I would pay $500 for a breeding colony of 5 'little' fish but i wouldn't pay $500 for a new 'big' bed that needs replacement immediately.

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