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cheap filter media


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what kinds of media can i put in my ehiem canister filter.

where can i buy cheap sponge thats not too fine, as im told to use this for middle part & use bio balls for bottom part, IS THIS CORRECT?

i bought one with only 1 piece of media and thats the top really fine piece of sponge.

im in brisbane

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Not sure on whether Ehiem are media specific.

Personally, i'd have course filter wool, then fine (want the course stuff to get all the chunky bits first), then any type of biological. bioballs, scoria (i use this in my homemade canister with a lot of success), anything... i read recently that someone uses homebrand kitty litter. it's highly porous, AND good for plants (high in iron).

ultimately, what you want is the filterwool to clean up all the particulate matter, then have the cleanset water going over the bilogical substrate (bioballs, etc) then back to the tank.



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Hi Willy,

Graceless has recommended some good things for you. Just one major flaw. Make sure the last thing you put in is the filter wool. If you don't your likely to have some of the scoria/kitty litter (or whatever you choose for your biological media) sucked into the impeller. This'll mean you will be replacing impellers like there is no tomorrow. dry.gif

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Be carefull, as mentioned in other threads, there are many kinds of kitty litter. They are made from a wide range of materials. Some of them organic, such as lucerne pellets and quite inapproprate for filter media.

Other things that do well from my experience:

nylon netting (onion bags).

hydroton (expanded clay pellets available from hydroponic stores)

coarse oil filter block (I have seen this cut to blocks in fish stores, it's plastic filter material, inhert and used for oils and petrol as it's impervious to solvents)

wadding from haberdasheries such as Spotlight

wadding from clark rubber

chipped plastics such as plastic hoses cut down to small bits (the clear hoses seem to accumulate very good films)

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