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my fish (cichlids) have been scratching for ages now. also when they are motionless in the water they sometimes shake as if trying to get something off them (like they are being bitten). got some paraguard which claims to treat "ectoparasites" but it doesn't seem to be doing much (and doesn't last long). What is 'melafix' - would it work? Anyone got any suggestions???


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which cichlids? They are a big group and species of fish - including african, central american, south american etc.! LOL!

First off, what are the chemical composition and parameters of the tank? (Ph, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, carbonate hardness and general hardness?) What size tank, how many fish and type of fish? How long has it been running?

What buffers do you use and what filtration?

Have you done a major water change recently? They may be reacting to a drop/rise in ph or hardness - a bit like an irritation.

How long have they been exhibiting the scratching? Africans do scratch occasionally and nothing to be worried about. Unless all of them are doing it all of the time!

get back to us with more details and we can help further


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Cichlids often shake when they display to each other.

IS this behaviour occuring when other fish are near? Does it seem directed at another fish?

Do the fish have any spots on? Are they eating well?

pH, fish type, tank size, filtration, water change regime etc would all help smile.gif

Cheers -

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