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hole in head disease


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hi i currently have a jaguar cichlid and its got i tihink hole in the head disease, like about 10 holes maybe 2mm radius around the head, i've been to like a few stores now and none of them have medicine for it

does anyone have any idea where i could get sum medication or wat to do


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I just went to the vet for what I thought was HITH to get a script for the above medication for an earth eater - red hump cichlid

The diagnosis was that the fish was suffering a mild case of HITH but this was secondary to a bacterial infection which was causing the decline in the fishes health. He would not give me a script as this would not tackle the root of the problem but sugggested Black Water tonic and Melafix. The reasons are below.

The Vet concluded that I had an organic nutrient build up in the tank causing a bloom in bacteria, some good, some bad and it was affecting the weekest fish, but my favourite. I do water chance twice a week and the tank is heavily planted and heavily filtered. All tests results for nitrates, Ammonia etc were next to zero.

Most people simply concluded that it is poor water, this was not the case, however I did have a lot of bog wood in the tank that the BN love. The wood was still decomposing and with the BN poo, a buildup of organic nutrients.

The second thing was diet. My fish get feed bloodworms, color bits and Cichlid pellets, greens for the BN. The redhump mainly eat the bloodworms, this along lead to him becoming depleted of minerials and vitamins, thus reducing his immune system and becoming sick.

Suggestion : regularly feed your fish earthworms, they are full of goodies that are not found in off the shelf aquarium food.

Use Black water extract in the tank to provide extra vitamins/minerials to the fish to maintain a health immune system.

Melafix - because his primary infection was bacterial and this is the safest remedy to control the bacteria while allowing the fish to gain strength.

Good luck

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