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Rearing tanks

mangrove jack

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G'day, we are new to this forum and first time at breeding and would like some informatio on how to set up a few rearing tanks, and is sponge filters and a bare bottom tank the way to go or is there a better way to do it. And how to get good water quality whe settig up.

Anyone who can help us would be greatly appreciated.


Mangrove jack wink.gif

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Hi MJ -

Welcome to the Australian Cichlid Enthus. Forums.

I dont like bare bottomed tanks, they freak the fish and the fishes owner out - I use just enough substrate to cover the glass (literally). I use corner filters which work fine - but I think a sponge filter would be superior as the fry tend to feed off them.


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If possible what I do is as follows. Put the sponge filter in mums tank when you notice the mouthful. Leave it for a while to become seeded. When mum is ready to release dump water from mums tank into fry tank about 70-80% full. Put mum in with minimal fuss. Try to have some java moss or something for her to feel safe to release fry in. PUt the sponge filter in. Now both tanks get topped up and its like a nice water change smile.gif

2' tank is a good size. I can grow plenty of fry to saleable size (3-4cm) in a 2' with good water changes without any loss thumb.gif Obviously the bigger the better but 2' is pretty good IMO.

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