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G'day All,

What "k" should I get to encourage nice green Algae and help out my Anubias, some brand names would also be helpful? Also, do the 5000-6000k globes emit a yellowish light or are they nice and white like the 10000k?

Thanks for your help,


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nice green Algae

Hmm there is no such thing in my mind, Algae is the Devil mad.gif

Ok if ya want algae to grow, just use 3000K bulbs, or better, give the tank direct sunlight.

If you want your anubias to grow, use 5000-6400K bulbs. These bulbs emit a nice white light. The ones that emit yellow light are "warm white" bulbs and are usually about 3000-3200K . The 5000K bulbs are called "natural white" and 6400K bulbs are labelled as "daylight".

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Pardon my question but why'd you want algae to grow?

Plants do well with a Kelvin rating of between 6500 - 10000 (a little too blue IMO)

Anyways, even as i'd maentioned this in a previous thread, the colour of lighting affecting algae theroy has yet to be proven yet and i'd take it with a pinch of salt if i were you.

Algae doesn't mean just leaving it in the sun, it means a lack of nutrient or excess nutrient.

As you can see, some ponds/lakes exposed to the sun still remain crystal clear.

Hope this helps,


Nature's Aquarium

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IMO, its just a brand.

If you can find NEC tubes in bunnings with the same kelvin rating, it'll save you heaps

But if you've got cash to spare and cant get around to shopping around for them, sure its a good brand for planted tanks

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I personally use NEC tri-phosphurs, cheap as chips and seem good with plants, all my plants are low to medium light dependant though.

Does anyone have any suggestions for adding phosphates to an African cichlid tank? Ie which fertilisers etc for luss green algae in a medium stocked tank.

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Hmm i dont know where u would obtain phosphates from. I doubt any aquarium fert will have any seeing as they make them without it so u dont get alage outbreaks. Hmm overstocking will give high phosphates, especially with goldfish, so i would say it would be the same with cichlids, but that again brings more problems. Hmm dunno, will have a look round and see what i can find.

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I might just let the Java Moss go mad.

The fish are as follows (standard 4'):

Dimi Comp, 2 x Malawi Blue Dolphins, Lombardoi, Fuelibourni, Travase, Tropheus duboisi, Red Top Black Bar, Cobwe, Polystigma.

All from Malawi except the Tropehus but it seems happy muching on the moss.

Quite a mixture but they have grown up together and seem to only like eating what they are supposed to, so I don't have to worry about too higher protein for the herbs and omnis.

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If one was to travel to bunnings, and purchace some hydranger ?spelling fertilizer you would find algae going nuts and it is safe for your little friends. Has no amonia in it and contains Plenty of Phophrous for helthly Algae growth!!!


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