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My Neetroplus nematopus have bred !


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Ok, i didnt even know i had eggs but ive found today ive now got a whole heap of cute little baby neets. wub.gif

Now just a few questions.....

1. What do i feed the little guys and girls?

2. How sensitive are they to water changes?

3. Like all C.Americans I presume the parents will be fantastic parents but are there any tricks or dangers i may not be aware of in raising these beauties?

any help would be much appreciated.


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Congrats Thermofish thumb.gif

Sorry, I can't help with your questions. I just wanted to wish you luck. LOL.gif


Well actually, if nobody else with more experience comes up with answers, I would think feeding them live bbs to be a safe bet.

Also, keep the water changes small, but frequent would be safe.

Anyway, that's what I would do if I was unsure.




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Good on ya mate!!

I have had these guys breeding.


1 They will be fine on crushed flake. thumb.gif

2 Mine were always very hardy. The first batch that I had were born in a whitespot outbreak.

I had to treat the tank 3 times and from what I could they all survived.

3 Excellant parents both will care for baby and lead them around the tank.

Problem is they are fierce.

Any friendly tank mates now are enemies. My 2 inch Neet mate and 1 inch female would have big viscious black belts and red devils hiding in corners and under rocks.

Apparently they have very sharp teeth and they know it.

I hope that that helps.

(Move any tank mates if yoy can.) LOL.gif

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Thank you very much, i was hoping they would be fine with crushed flake.

Ive moved the tank mates besides a salvini which is cowering in the corner, but ive got no-where to put it.

All seems to be well with no noticable casualties.

thanks again.

(and yup, they have sharp little red teeth and they even have a go at me when i move towards the glass, angry little buggers).


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