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A.compressiceps, sick?


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hi all,

i was just wondering if my fish are really sick, because i bought a breeding pair of A.compressiceps and they stay in seperate caves, dont eat and look a bit pale. could this be a serious problem or could it just be because they have been introduced to a new tank, the ph is wrong etc. i would really appreciate some help because im getting nervous.

cheers nemo thumb.gif

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Hi Nemo,

ya gotta give us more info mate.

How long have you had them?

What size tank are they in?

Do they have any tankmates?

What are the water conditions(Temp, PH, KH, etc)...hard to tell ya if the PH is to high if I gotta guess what it is. blink.giflaugh.gif

Generally they will retreat to caves/shells when stressed by a move/introduction to a tank.

Depending on what you have setup they may benefit from some tankmates like Rainbow-fish or, if ya have enough tank-sapce, Cyp's.


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Yes I would agree with what Maz has written ie. need more info.

The symptoms are similar to those exhibited by fish that are in a new location..how long have you had them in their current tank?

merjo smile.gif

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