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breeding Ps saulosi


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hey everyone

just wondering if anyone has breed these guys in a 2ft tank i currently have a colony of about 7 (mostly males i fear sadsmiley02.gif ) and would like to start breeding them in a species tank but only have a 2ft to spare and am curipos to if this is possible.



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I think 2ft might be a little small to house 7 saulosi, even if it turns out you only have 1 male. If you have more than 1 male it is definitely too small. I have 2 males and 2 females in my 3ft tank and the males occupy either end of the tank. I did have 4 males, but the other two spent most of the time near the surface hiding behind the spray bar. With the 4 saulosi, I don't have any problems getting the fish to spawn, but I am lucky if the fry survive more than 24hrs in the tank.

I you want to breed these fish and have the fry survive, you will need a bigger main tank and then you can use the 2ft tank to keep the fry.


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I am not 100% sure (please correct me if I am wrong thumb.gif )but I think that you may struggle with that may in a 2 foot tank as the males get very territorial around spawning time. I had 2 males and 4 females (although I now think that I have a subdominant male in the females) and they were not happy let alone willing to breed. I moved them to a 4' tank and they are happy and breeding within 2 months and now I am expecting my second mouthful in 2 weeks. The dominant males have taken 2' each and patrol their territory relentlessly. You may have to reduce the numbers to 1M:2f as suggested in other posts or move them to a bigger tank.



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