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noob here


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HULLO smile.gif

I'm still a total noob to tropical fish keeping. I've been keeping cichlids for about a year now but don't know much and want to get into breeding. Anyway, you guys seem very knowledgable; I want to ask... what are good sites/books that are good to learn from? All the scientific names are so daunting... one of the nasty things I had to do in uni (plants >.<), that have naturally all floated out of my head.

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G'day and welcome Fishinboots,

Your post reads almost exactly like mine eight months ago when I first started.

To answer your questions:

1. A good site, well, your on it, there is so many knowledgeable people that are only too willing to help. thumb.gif

2. As far as the names go, they seem daunting now but after a while they become second nature, don't ask me to spell them correctly, but I know what they are. dry.gif

3. Here is another site that is excellent, I use it for reference mostly, pics and related profiles.


But just enjoy, do a lot of reading and listening to what people say here and be a pain to start with and ask questions. You may feel like a bit of a dork to start with (as I did) but don't worry, most here are very helpfull and patient.


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Well if you're anything like me, you cant afford to spend $80 on an Ad Konings book so the internet, and in turn this site, is the place to be thumb.gif The people here are really cool and always willing to help. I left the hobby but recently came back to the forum because its so damn infectious! As the old saying goes, theres no such thing as a stupid question, so feel free to ask away and use the search function on the forum tongue.gif

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check out www.aquariacentral.com as well, they have a big profile list on ALL aquarium fish, not just cichlids.

oh yeah, welcome tongue.gif

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hi fishin , ive read countless books over the years and they all have one thing in common , that is , they all contradict one another and you end up confused,ive learnt more on this forum over the last few months than years of books,id say just read the posts each day for a few weeks , and youll find a wealth of information from a lot of talented people(myself not included) ask questions when you need to and im sure youll get the right answers

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