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Trickle filter question


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I wish to construct a trickle filter that I can put above my tank to be fed by the outlet of an Eheim 2217.

There are a few tricky guidelines: The tank is next to my bed and "the boss" can't sleep with the sound of trickling water, so currently the eheim spraybar is under water pointing towards the surface. And still theres not enough dissolved oxygen mad.gif

So this filter must: maximise oxygen exchange,

be pretty quiet (silent),

run off an Eheim.

And no I can't just put an airstone in the tank because theres only 1 powerpoint in the b/room and its way overloaded sadsmiley02.gif

Any ideas? Do I want the impossible???


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To add oxygen to a fish tank you need to increase the water and oxygen contact time.

A trickle filter will accomplish this however I fear that the noise will also increase thus increasing "the boss" aggression level.

Are you sure you power point cannot handle a small air pump, 5 watts? Or perhaps plug it in elsewhere and run the airline into the room through a wall or something.

OR move the tank to another location.

OR the unthinkable, reduce the number of fish in the tank zipit.gif

OR ear plugs, not for you but for the boss, we of course being dedicated fish people, this is music to our ears and even under strenuous questionong, still are unable to hear any excessive noise. (Even when the questions being asked need to be shouted at us LOL.gif )


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There is an eheim attachment that you can buy (sorry don't know the name of it. Something 'diffuser').

But basically it attaches to the output hose and has an air hose attached to it where you can position this inside the tank and above water level using the suction cup that comes with it. This draws air from within the tank and sprays it into the water and you can adjust it so that it sprays silent fine bubbles as opposed to big noisy ones.

It's similar to the one used by internal power filters if that makes sense. I use one on my eheim cannisters.

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If you are after quietness I would stick with the eheim, adding a second one too if you need more.

Trickles are noisy, and so are airpumps. I wouldn't like to have either next to my bed.

Is your tank heavily stocked? I used to run canister filters in the past and I always used them alone. I used elbows to allow the water to enter the tank just below the water level (no spraybar) which created lots of ripples but no splashes or noise. All you need is ripples for oxygen exchange.

However if your tank is heavily stocked you may need more...

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