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Spawning Clowns?


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Hi all,

I have recently executed a water change and my clowns are behaving strangely. I am sure that I have 7 males and 1 female; the female has her ovipositor starting to protrude. I know that breeding these guys in home aquaria is difficult/unlikely, however I am sure that there is some pre-spawning activity happening atm.

Does anyone else have any experiences that they can share? I presume that they are "orgy" spawners...at a ratio of 1:7 she's in for a rough night laugh.gif Are they egg scatterers? or do they "place" their eggs like Corydoras spp.? Am I likely to see eggs?

There are other tank mates including a gold spot pleco, a gibbie, 2 albino plecos, gold and green severums, chocolates, convicts, firemouths and braziliensis. However they are all staying well clear of the clowns that are acting very "frisky" atm.

The tank is a 5 x 2 x 2, garnet/lime sand substrate, petrified wood, lots of hollow logs and other driftwood and quite a bit of tannin.

merjo smile.gif

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