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pseudotropheus maturity


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Hi guys,

As the topic suggests, i'm interested in when pseudotropheus species are considered "adult" fish rather than juviniles.

also, at what size and/or age can you expect full coloration of a fish?

these questions are aimed at my perspicax who are not as colorful as i had hoped they would be.


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Hi Grace,

It takes about 4 months for a Pseudotropheus to reach 4cm. Probably, a good year to reach 10cm if it is well fed.

The first cichlid that we were breeding was perspicax. At 4cm you can already differentiate the males by their bigger eggspots and stronger orange line on the dorsal fin. At 5cm a perspicax male if fed with good food and being the most dominant fish in the tank would show almost adult colouration. The perspicax doesn't grow much bigger than 10cm. Also, the perspicax will readily breed from 5cm size.

Hope that helped


p.s. Here is a link that I wrote on perspicax: Perspicax

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