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what fish can i breed in a 2ft?


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Yeah good question, Im considering setting up a 2 foot tank for something as well, Maybe dwarf cichlids.. But I really do like the africans over the American varitey..

So, can any malawi or tang cichlids even reside in a 2 footer?

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Alternatively, it would make a great grow out tank for fry which are dropping out of your other tanks laugh.gif

I have N. multifasciatus breeding well in a 2' tank. Although I eventually plan to upgrade them and expand my colony. I don't think many Malawi fish would be suitable though unfortunately.

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Also Krib (Pelvicachromis pulcher)

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note the photo is not a 2ft tank.

Or you could breed bristlenose.

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you could try convicts too, but there could be dead fish very quickly.

I have read that fish taken out of a big tank and stuck in a small one won't breed, just a thought.


Ed smile.gif

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