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Sciaenochromis fryeri


Article by Misty62

Species Information

Species: Sciaenochromis fryeri

Synoma: Sciaenochromis ahli, Haplochromis ahli, Haplochromis serranoides, Haplochromis "Big-Eye", Haplochromis "Electric Blue"

Common name: Electric Blue, Electric Blue Haplochromis

Origin: Africa

Localities/Morphs: Lake Malawi. The species is considered an old species because of its lakewide distribution and also because of it's breeding technique. It is found mostly in the northern end . Most specimens caught are usually from Likoma

Maximum size: 20 cm or 7 inches

Natural habitat: Electric blues are a Malawian, found in deep water, over rocky areas.

Natural foods/prey: In the wild this fish mainly eats the fry of other species and will do so in the confines of an aquarium should the opportunity arise.

Water chemistry in the wild: pH 7.5-9, 10-11 dH

Predators: No Idea

Brood size: The fish are mouthbrooders.Spawns average about 50-60 eggs, but can be up to 100. Spawning takes place on a flat rocks/surface in the wild but in the aquarium males usually make a nest. Fry are released after 3 weeks.

Husbandry requirements:

Minimum tank size: Minimum Tank Size: 70 gallons

Sex ratio: 1 male with at least 5-7 females

Tolerance: aggressive towards other males of its kind.

Tolerance of heterospecifics: The Electric Blue African Cichlid can and probably will be aggressive toward smaller fish.

Water chemistry in aquaria: 72-82?F; pH 7.8-8.5; dH 10-15

Temperature range: 25-28 degrees Celsius. It can also tolerate 30 degrees Celsius.

Foods accepted: The Electric Blue Cichlid needs both meaty foods and greens such as brine shrimp, blood worms, small fish as well as a quality flake or pellet food containing vegetable matter.

Special requirements: none other than water chemistry


  • The Electric Blue African Cichlid does well with other Lake Malawi cichlids when provided with a spacious, rocky tank of 70 gallons or more.
  • Although plants are extraneous for the Electric Blue African Cichlid, they may be beneficial for other tank members; however, fish larger than three inches will often uproot live plants.
  • The Electric Blue African Cichlid can and probably will be aggressive toward smaller fish.

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