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A tought cat


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I'll ask this question in this forum since some of you guys and girls probably have had the same problem.

Ive got a Cuban (21cm male) and a texan (15cmish female) in a 4x2x2.

They will kill anything else that goes in the tank, except for really big yabbies and for some strange reason a wee itty bitty bronze catfish i used as a test fish. (another one got slaughtered but one lives on)

The Cuban has also apparently killed (and eaten, bit by bit) a couple of pleco's, bottlenose cats in the past (thats why he was given to me).

Is there any tought as nuts catfish out there that will hold its own, help keep my tank clean and add a bit of interest to my tank.

Im just getting a bit bored with a 4x2 that has only two medium size fish that dont like company or plants.

Any other ideas ??


Cheers !!

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get a cat of similar size perhaps.

I have a bass and 2 eel tail cats with no problems.

The cats are only slightly smaller in length than the bass :blink

The cat sometimes even sleeps in the same PVC pipe as the bass :lol:

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hey, CalvusToTheRescue

handle change hey.

Sorry mate after coming out ot quarantine it only survived a couple of days.

It found itself a nice little home and everything was peacefull, then one day they had enough of it and killed it.


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I woudn't recomed a pictus cat it will most likely get swallowed with the chance of getting its spines lodged in the predators throat and you would most likely loose them both. Yabbies with fish can be deadly too I've seen largish cichlids taken down by a hungry yabbie at night.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In my opinion you have a teritory problem.

You need to move both fish. Let other fish come in and establish a territory.

Let them have it for at least a month and then you might be able to put your killer fish back in.

Make sure that the tank is completely diferent in its arrangements before you reintroduce them back in.

Good luck

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, Cubans can be a problem. They seem to change virtually overnight into killers. I have a large male who has shared with a pair of hartwegi, a urupthalmus and a very big flagtail prochilidous plus a couple of catfish ( a small featherfin and a siamamensis) and suddenly went besrk and hammered the large male hartwegi so bad that I had to isolate him, treat him for 2 weeks until he finally recovered.

He's nipped at the other fish as well ( plus I had to remove a large Leporinis from the tank as he was obviously selected as the Cubans next victim) but has never shown any interest in the catfish.

In my experience salmon tail catfish are a bit vunerable (I've had 2 killed by large oscars) and whilst a big tandanus might hold his own, the tandanus himself could become a problem with other fish unless its a very big tank.

Only suggestions I can make are pretty expensive - maybe a full grown Hoplo catfish or a big Gibbiceps will survive ( although you say he's killed plecos who are similarly 'armoured').

City Painter makes a good suggestion - remove the Cuban temporarily, introduce some new fish, completely relandscape the tank (remove some landmarks etc) then reintroduce him. He'll think its a new tank, his dominance is gone ( at least until he re-establishes it) and he may settle down.

Good luck


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i think im going to have to live with the fact its just a very aggressive fish.

Ive tried removing him for a month while i relanscaped my tank, the texan and big blackbelt i had in there got on fine for the month, as soon as i put the cuban in he tried to kill the BB.

I'll give a salmon cat a try but i dont like my chances, i'll hopfully be getting the cuban and his own tank soon, then i hope i can develope a better behaved community/gang of Americans.

thanks for all the help,


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get a shovelnose catfish

hopefully when its big enough it will eat the cuban cichlid and all ur other cichlids.

would be wild to see hehe


the relandscaping and introducing new fish never seems to work for long.

The personality of the fish is aggressive and thats it.

It will reestablish its dominance over an area once u put it back into the tank anyway.

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