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can victoria,Malawi, and tanganyikan fry raised together


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I got a 5 foot tank i am thinking to raise aulonocara maulana(Malawi) 5 cm, Haplochromis sp. "red back scraper"(victoria) 5cm, and Paracyprichromis nigripinnis (tanganyika) 5cm to their maturity do you guys think there are any chances of hybridization.

Any advice will be muchly appreciated.


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I dont think you will have a problem with hybridization. But the peacocks and victorians are super aggressive while breeding and the nigripinnis are going to come off second best. I dont think they will be able to compete for food with the other two species and you will end up losing them.

This is why alot of us prefer to keep species tanks or at least lake specific tanks.

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