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Our African cichlid aquaponics aquarium video HD


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Been trialing aquaponics intensively now for a few months. Love it. Been growing strawberries over winter under full spectrum LED grow lights. Check out the video that shows our 500liter mixed African cichlid aquarium which provides us with strawberries, basil, mesculin mix and water cress. Make sure you watch it in HD.


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Thanks for the feedback.

Was trialling a range of LED full spectrum lights Mid winter and produced some very tasty strawberries, not sweet enough but very tasty. Since then we spray the leaves with Potassium foliar spray. Considering the incorrect PH range for growing plants we have had to jig some things. The plants sit in a clay balls, spagnum moss and flourite sand. The flourite brings the chelated iron.

I have built an insulated skylight out of bublle wrap, timber and polythene wrap. The suns arc has started bring extra light and so need for the growlights which are awesome by the by.

Will keep you updated.

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